Soo i went to the doctor about my lump. What does he mean?

2016-10-07 7:38 pm
So i asked the doctor about my lump on the forehead he put the light on it and felt it. He gave me an ointment and said to use 2 times a day. And that if it doesnt go away to go and see a skin doctor. This doctor was a regular doctor. What does this mean? I didnt tell him that im scared its cancerous i just told him that its been there for a while and that it hurts when i push it hard. Does this mean its safe?

回答 (6)

2016-10-07 9:10 pm
It means you have a skin condition, not cancer. Doctors know what cancerous tumors look like.
2016-10-07 8:35 pm
At last you went to the doctor about this lump above your eyebrow that you though was cancer and doctor gave you cream for it so doctor thinks it is some type of zit or he would have sent you for a scan. He is saying if it doesn't clear up he will send you to a skin doctor to find out why the zit hasn't cleared up and nothing else so now stop asking this question every day of the week.
2016-10-07 7:40 pm
It means you are an idiot and a liar. Your doctor would have told you exactly what it was if you had really gone to see one. I really wish you would stop posting the same tired lies over and over. You aren't intelligent enough to lie credibly at all.
2016-10-08 11:51 am
It means you have a mild skin problem NOT CANCER!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-07 9:39 pm
Soo what's the name of the ointment?
2016-10-07 7:41 pm
It means you should have gone to a skin dr. in the first place.

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