Probability question?

2016-10-07 2:57 am
A gumball machine has six red gumballs, four blue gumballs, and three yellow gumballs. If you buy three gumballs, what is the probability that you get 1 red and 2 blue?

Please provide explanation Thanks

回答 (2)

2016-10-07 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are total of 13 balls, and you choose 3. So the numerator will be 3C13
And the fraction will list: 1C6 (red) * 2C4 (blue)
Count it: [(6!/5!)*(4!/2!2!)] / (13!/3!10!) = 18/143
2016-11-09 11:58 pm
Total number of groups of 3 gum balls: 13C3=286
Total number of 1 red and 2 blue:4C2x6C1=6x6=36
Probability: 36/286=18/143

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