Can I get a job after being fired?

2016-10-07 2:15 am
My manager had a horrible attitude so I confronted her about it and three days later (today) I got fired. Will this mess up my opportunity to get another job? Can I get a new job right after, or am I able to get hired at the same company but different store? Someone that was working there before me also had a problem with the manager and was also fire fans now she works at a different subway. Can I get a new job?

回答 (5)

2016-10-07 2:17 am
Yes you can and will get another job. You will have to try a little harder but as long as you don't bash the manager to a potential employer(even though it might tempting to explain your side).
2016-10-24 7:43 am
Update: just got a new job at Ross!!!
2016-10-07 5:22 am
Each case is different. The other person may have had a problem with the boss, and gotten fired, but did they run their mouth like an idiot (you know - like you??) If not, they have a better chance of being hired.

Your ex boss can mention your horrible attitude and talk about how mouthy and confrontational you get. Won't look good.
2016-10-07 2:17 am
Probably not going to get hired by same company right away.
2016-10-07 2:16 am
Apply to find out.

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