Does Home Depot have a scrap metal pile where I can get some for free? Anywhere else?

2016-10-06 9:16 pm

回答 (4)

2016-10-06 9:33 pm
Home Depot has no such thing. They are a retail outlet, if you want something from them, you're expected to pay for it.

Check out junkyards in your area.
2016-10-07 2:59 am
SOME locations have 'remnants' at a reduced price, but for liability reasons, they don't give anything away.
2016-10-06 9:26 pm
call plumbers
2016-10-06 9:26 pm
They may, depending on if they have in house service for equipment. Here is the thing about any of those scrap piles, usually in a container like a dumpster. The business sells that in an effort to keep their cost low. If you talk to someone, and need a little bit to complete a project, they may let you have a little. If you want to raid their pile to sell it yourself, no, and taking it without permission is stealing, and you can be charged accordingly if you do it

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