Will dieting stunt my growth ?

2016-10-06 4:27 pm
Ok so I'm 15 and 6ft and I weigh 230 and want to lose 60 pounds and I want to do it in about 240 days .... Do you think it'll stunt my growth

回答 (3)

2016-10-27 8:37 pm
Not if your diet provides all the nutrients you need, especially vitamins and minerals.

It's also hard to lose weight JUST by altering your diet. To lose weight you have to use more calories than you consume, and the way you use calories is with exercise. By using more calories than you take in, your body looks for energy sources to keep you going, and that will tend to be the fat in your body.

Make sure to talk to a doctor before starting any exercise program, and start out with light exercise and work up.

For a couple of weeks maybe take a few brisk walks every day, or ride an exercise bike: something like that. After your bodies used to that, you can start doing calisthenics, jogging, weight lifting, and so on. Continue to increase the exercise load every couple of weeks and your shape improves.

Don't try to do too much at first, and don't get down on yourself if you (once in a while) don't stay with your program.

Also, remember to NOT work out every day. If you have a vigorous workout on Monday, take a day off and work out again on Wednesday. That allows your body to recover and to adjust to the extra work load. As a matter of fact, you should also take a week off every once in a while for the same reason (Thanksgiving? Christmas?). If you don't want to take an entire week off, cut down to one exercise session that week, then increase your workload the week you start back up.

From the link:

' As you design your fitness program, keep these points in mind:

Consider your fitness goals. ...
Create a balanced routine. ...
Start low and progress slowly. ...
Build activity into your daily routine. ...
Plan to include different activities. ...
Allow time for recovery. ...
Put it on paper. '
2016-10-06 5:41 pm
That depends on what this "diet" consists of.
2016-10-06 4:29 pm

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