How much in bills do you pay a month ?

2016-10-06 3:44 pm
Just wondering cause it always feels like a pay a lot this is including all your bills . Mine is 1,200 in bills month

回答 (4)

2016-10-06 3:46 pm
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I pay about $2600 a month.
2016-10-06 3:58 pm
My mortgage is $2600...

Total, our expenses are about $6000, which includes tuition for our kids (grade school and middle school, they attend private schools), cell phones, gas/electric, food, debt all that fun stuff.
2016-10-06 4:31 pm
but what do 'bills' mean? Do you have a mortgage, or rent? Gas, electric, water.... insurance.... car tax, repayments..... what?????????
2016-10-06 3:52 pm
Rent = $500/mo and utilities = $150 +/- internet and phone = $65. Maybe you should move to Kentucky.

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