Will I get jailed if I kill someone for self defense?

2016-10-06 10:33 am
Example like if I was being chased and I fight back and kill that person for self defense , is it considered as a crime ?

回答 (7)

2016-10-06 10:39 am
Maybe, maybe not. It will all depend on the particular circumstances.

If they attacked you, you hit them, they fell and banged their head and died, then it's unlikely.

If you carried on attacking them when you were "winning" then you're in a grey area.

If they started to run away and you then attacked them you would be more likely to be jailed because their threat was gone and it was you doing the attacking.
2016-10-06 8:57 pm
NO !!!! they may TRY to GUILT TRIP you, but you defended youself and the guy lost...period.
2016-10-06 10:43 am
Not unless you did it with unreasonable judgement and depending on the scenario. For what you said, no. If you were being chased by someone who was let's say trying to kidnap you, no, you would not be arrested for fighting back and killing them. If it wasn't necessary to kill the person, then yes, you would most likely face charges. An example of this would be if you disabled the assailant by possibly breaking their leg. They would be defenseless and on the ground due to not being able to walk. If you went up and killed them, you murdered them out of cold blood rather than self defense.
2016-10-06 10:42 am
It all depends on the proportionality of your defence compared to the danger. And the personal appreciation of the judge.

If you are in US you'll also have additional explicit mitigating circumstances or justifications (particularly in Southern States), and much more violence is tolerated there than for instance in Europe.
2016-10-06 10:38 am
Reasonable defence is not a crime.
2016-10-06 11:39 am
If you can prove self defense, you will not be convicted of a crime. HOWEVER, if there is ANY question if your actions were self defense, it is likely you will spend some time in jail during the initial investigation.
2016-10-06 10:59 am
Can be depend upon how you did it.

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