If I Do This How Long Would It Take to Get Ripped?

2016-10-06 3:26 am
I'm 14 5'8 100 pounds if I do 150 pushups 30 sec plank 50 pullups and 100 situps how long do you think it would take to get ripped? Like to see changes

回答 (6)

2016-10-06 3:39 am
6 weeks
2016-10-06 3:28 am
357 days bro
2016-10-06 3:27 am
4-6 weeks to see a change, ripped is a different story
2016-10-06 9:00 am
2016-10-06 4:57 am
It might take longer than you think. You are forgetting abt the legs, shoulders and lowback.
If you keep doing what you are you will eventually have misproportions and weak bodyparts. You also increase risk of low back injury.

If you were to add those 3 bodyparts you will actually increase your time table and strength. And avoid misproportions or injuries.

Yes I see your comment. You still have all sorts of misproportion and strength issues. You still need to work the other body parts. Do you work your shoulders which even helps with posture and strength in the upperbody. What abt the low back? Which is the opposite side of the abs. This helps keeping you standing straight up and helps prevent injuries to the back and helps later in life mainly when moving heavy objects. And how abt those chicken legs of yours? Adding a leg routine helps in many areas including increases in testosterone, breathing if done correctly as well as leg strength and stamina. As well as working in conjunction with the low back and abs. What good is a set of nice arms without some cannonball sized shoulders?
How abt forearms or calves?
2016-10-06 3:28 am
Forever. You need to eat a calorie surplus and lift weights as heavy as you can manage at 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions per movement

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