Where can I get some BEATS headphones for my 3 month old?

2016-10-06 2:27 am
Yo I got some smaller headphones but they all sound weak and aint even loud. Do they sell baby beats?

Where do they sell them.

回答 (4)

2016-10-06 1:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Apple Store.
2016-10-06 2:40 am
You can't be serious....

Babies don't need headphones.
2016-10-06 4:06 pm
Don't even bother because ALL Beats are massively overhyped and overpriced RUBBISH marketed VERY aggressively for gullible people who either do NOT CARE or do NOT KNOW a single thing about REAL audio quality!
2016-10-06 4:10 am
I don't think you should get headphones, maybe just a speaker.

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