I Think My Dad Has A Personality Disorder?

2016-10-05 9:56 pm
Well he is nice like nice and happy smiling ya know just happy and than lets say something fell he would start screaming. When something happens he gets so mad you'd think something bad happend. He also repeats himself a lot. What should I do? I am officially done dealing with his bs he is just so weird... He can sometimes control this around people he knows like his girlfriend family ect.. But in public places he has these mad episodes too. For example today at the grocery store he asked if i wanted cookies and he started screaming cause I said no. Its so annoying and embarassing I can't even have friends over or have them meet him because of this. Sometimes he gets depressed but not that much its pretty rare but he gets depressed more than average. Does anyone know what personality disorder he can have? He also speaks very loud like you can hear him through a whole house I don't know if thats anything though. I know he has some personality disorder cause he is so abnormal. Please help.

回答 (1)

2016-10-06 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Could be depression, manic depression or bi-polar disorder. Try to get him to a dr. to be tested, diagnosed and treated.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:12:41
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