Does this sentences need correction?

2016-10-05 9:25 pm
Last weekend was my first weekend serving my church of ________________ Church as a parking lot attendant greeting familiar faces and first timers to the church! I’m excited to see what God has in store for me on this journey even if it’s just something small at the moment. I want to service the community at my church and give back in a way because the church has shaped me to becoming the person I am and the people leaders and friends have helped me throughout my years at _______________ Church. I wish I could have served in some way back in high school and a junior high. There we so were so many missed opportunities, but what’s important is that I’m putting myself out there now. At some point down the line I want to be involved with the children ministry. Love my church and the people there!

回答 (5)

2016-10-05 9:31 pm
Do these sentences need correction?

Last weekend was my first weekend serving my church, ________________ Church, as a parking lot attendant greeting familiar faces and first timers to the church!

I’m excited to see what God has in store for me on this journey, even if it’s just something small at the moment. I want to serve the community at my church and give back in a way, because the church has shaped me to becoming the person I am.

The leaders of the church and my friends have helped me throughout my years at _______________ Church. I wish I could have served in some way back in high school and a junior high. There were so many missed opportunities, but what’s important is that I’m putting myself out there now.

At some point down the line, I want to be involved with the children's ministry. I love my church and the people there!
2016-11-14 8:05 pm
a few small suggestions-
i want to serve, rather than i want to service
shaped me in becoming rather than shaped me to becoming
junior high, not a junior high
there were so numerous, not there we so are so numerous
2016-10-05 9:31 pm
A few small suggestions-
I want to serve, rather than I want to service
shaped me in becoming rather than shaped me to becoming
junior high, not a junior high
There were so many, not There we so are so many
2016-10-05 9:28 pm
it could use some
2016-10-05 9:29 pm
Yes - it's either this sentence or these sentences.

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