Should compromise be made for the greater good? Or should moral be compromising? It's when lincoln be a president?

2016-10-05 5:40 pm

回答 (2)

2016-10-05 5:47 pm
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Yes. But there is an entity that believes compromise is a sign of weakness. They are paranoid and have Schizo affective disorders about most things common to the people. Like eating working sleeping deciding to start a family. Control is their handle. They are losing that grip so fast its making their heads spin out of control.
2016-10-05 6:15 pm
Your question is poorly worded. I think Gary Johnson would make a great compromise candidate. I will go with a fiscally conservative, socially inclusive, fit, successful two term governor with no scandal in his past or present. I will go with Gary Johnson as the Best and Only Sane choice for president this election.

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