Phone won't boot - charging?

2016-10-04 10:48 pm
My mobile phone won't boot - it was working perfectly earlier. It ran out of battery, so I put it on charge. Now, the blue charge light is on but it's not booting.

回答 (2)

2016-10-04 11:00 pm
An inevitable fact of all broken things is that they were working earlier.

Your phone isn't working: the most common causes are a battery failure, a charging cable failure (the data wires often remain connected when the power charge wires fail, giving the impression of a functional cable), a power switch failure, a loose or dislodged internal connector commonly caused after one fall too many, or a failed motherboard.

The only one of those you can easily and cheaply check is to try another charging cable which you know to be fully functional. All the other faults need the skills of a diagnostic repair technician.
2016-10-04 10:50 pm
The same thing happened to me you need a new battery

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:11:49
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