I am trying to decide if to get a goldendoodle. I heard I have to get a first generation, or the dog can develop problems, can I get a F1B?

2016-10-04 10:33 pm

回答 (6)

2016-10-05 3:09 pm
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Get whatever suits your lifestyle, finances, and the time you have to provide basic care*, and training/socialization for the next 12-17 years.

Keep in mind that you will not know exactly what the temperament, size of the dog, or exact look of the dog will be. You can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed.Do not assume or take the chance that only the good characteristics will emerge. You may be in for a big surprise and it is not fair to the puppy to chance that.

Goldendoodle, hair type can be smooth like a Golden, wiry like an Irish wolfhound or wavy/shaggy, they can shed, all dogs shed, some more than others and pups in the same litter can vary. This is not the best cross for people with severe allergies.

Dogs are not to be disposed of like old toasters when they do not perform as you wish. They are living creatures.

Most experienced breeders can give you a pretty good idea what characteristics in a pup will emerge as the puppy grows.

Experienced breeders don't breed mixes, designer dogs if you wish to call them that.

2016-10-05 12:38 am
It's a scam.....it doesn't matter what generation of poodle mix you get, it's still a poodle mix. Plus, since ONLY irresponsible, scam artist breeders breed them, their health and temperament will be a crap shoot.

So, if you want a golden retriever, then get a well-bred golden retriever. If you want a poodle, then get a well-bred poodle. If you want a mixbreed, then visit your local shelter.

BTW, NO reputable breeder would sell a poodle (or a golden retriever) to someone to breed with a different breed to create mixbreeds. None. So, right off the bat, the breeder of the "doodles" is started with inferior breeding stock.
2016-10-04 10:55 pm
A mutt can inherit problems from both parents, regardless of what generation it is.
2016-10-05 3:55 am
You need to read up on doodles. No reputable breeder breeds MIXES, period.

Designer Dog-Maker, Regrets His Creation | Psychology Today

Much Ado About Poo (mixes)
2016-10-05 12:49 am
Regardless of the generation, it's a mixed breed dog. You can get traits from either breed showing up in the offspring. And if the breeding stock used wasn't healthy, the puppies likely won't be, either. People producing mutts with cutesy names are only concerned with profits, not quality. About the only two near certainties with all the "doodle" mixes is that you'll pay far too much for a mutt, and that their coat will be a nightmare to groom. Most grooming parlors around here have a "doodle" surcharge.
2016-10-05 6:19 am
I wouldn't contribute to the purposeful breeding of mutts. If you want a goldendoodle maybe check to see if there are rescue groups for those dogs locally. More homeless dogs out there than you can ever imagine... due to people mindlessly breeding to make a buck. Sad news for dogs!

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