do you have a gun ?

2016-10-04 7:48 pm

回答 (7)

2016-10-04 9:45 pm
Right now, I just own a .22 caliber rifle. But I plan on buying a handgun at some point.
2016-10-04 9:37 pm
2016-10-04 8:29 pm
2016-10-04 8:14 pm
Yes. I own 9 guns.
2016-10-04 8:09 pm
Only when the sun's out, dude
2016-10-04 7:51 pm
No, but I have gun hands and I am not afraid to use them
2016-10-04 7:55 pm
Your question: "Do you have a gun ?"

Sí, y muchas gracias. Viva La Raza Cósmica! Por favor enviar más balas.

Por favor participe en esta encuesta de opinión de los americanos patrióticos de pie con Nuestro Presidente ("Patriotic Americans Standing With Our President -- PASWOP", una organización sin ánimo de lucro) mediante la revisión del artículo siguiente, a continuación, responder a la pregunta que sigue:

" 'Gunwalking'… was a tactic of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations between 2006 and 2011... the ATF 'purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them'... The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels... [also called] 'Operation Fast and Furious'... no means were employed to track either the firearms or the traffickers... the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000 firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012... Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010."

"La información del artículo anterior más probable es que ..."
_____ Nadie en el gobierno federal está conectado a los sindicatos del crimen en México.
_____ El Departamento de Justicia está gestionado por bien intencionados, las personas éticas.
_____ Crimen organizado mexicano es controlada por las personas con daño cerebral severo.
_____ Otro: _________________________________________________________

Gracias por su participación. Su regeneración es muy importante para nosotros. La usamos para determinar si el electorado tiene ninguna pista sobre su situación. Si lo hacen, nos gustaría cambiar eso. pensamientos y oraciones del presidente están con ustedes.

Es completamente obvio que George Zimmerman, un latino, acosada y mató a Trayvon Martin, le focalización porque Trayvon Martin era un varón afroamericano (llamado "black") adulto joven, un estereotipo que hacía juego con el odio paranoico de Zimmerman de los criminales potenciales. ¿Por qué el Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. no acusar a George Zimmerman? Esto se debe a afroamericanos representan como máximo el 14% del electorado y no se encuentran dentro de nuestros distritos electorales mapa para hacer una gran diferencia en las elecciones presidenciales. El caso es diferente para La Raza Cósmica.

Los siguientes son ejemplos de sitios del gobierno del estado de California que se utilizan para promover la Raza formación política raza exclusiva a expensas del contribuyente (que todavía estaban en línea, de 8 de agosto de 2016). Todos son del mismo proyecto culto carrera de la Raza (todavía en línea, de 8 de agosto de 2016): "Chicano Latino Proyecto de Liderazgo Juvenil se reúne en el capitolio estatal"

2009 •
2010 •
2011 •
2013 •

"The Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA)… MEChA condemns as 'race traitors' those Latinos who fail to adhere to its ideological platform. In 1995, for example, the Voz Fronteriza, the official publication of UC San Diego’s MEChA chapter, ran an editorial excoriating a recently deceased Latino INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] agent as one such traitor. The piece stated that 'all the migra [a pejorative term for the INS] pigs should be killed, every single one'... The next phase would involve the ethnic cleansing, or expulsion, of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of 'Aztlán.' As Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA chapter once put it, after the establishment of Aztlán, non-Chicanos 'would have to be expelled' because 'you have to keep power.'"

El resultado de la diatriba raza La Raza es el siguiente:

"Latino Gang Leader Convicted in L.A. Ethnic Cleansing Campaign... A Latino street gang leader and his son were sentenced in federal court Monday to lengthy prison terms for their role in a years-long campaign of racist terror and ethnic cleansing targeting African Americans in and around Los Angeles. Since at least the mid-1990s, Latino street gangs across Los Angeles County have been targeting, beating and sometimes killing blacks in an attempt to drive them out of the region. Just before Christmas 2006, Cheryl Green, 14, playing on her skateboard with a group of friends just south of 206th Street in Los Angeles, was shot dead in broad daylight by two men who approached the group and opened fire without saying a word. Two members of the 204th Street gang were later arrested in the killing… On Monday, Santiago ‘Chico’ Rios, a leader of the gang, was sentenced to 19 years and seven months in prison by U.S. District Judge Gary A. Feess, according to the Times, and his hearing impaired son, Louie 'Lil Chico' Rios, was given a 10-year sentence. Both had pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack African Americans and chase them out [of] Azusa, a gang policy established in 1992, the paper said."
by Don Terry, 15 January 2013, Southern Poverty Law Center

No se detuvo allí y va a seguir:

"Attack on family in Compton latest incident in wave of anti-black violence… A Latino gang is intimidating blacks into leaving the city that was once an African American enclave. It’s part of a violent trend seen in other parts of the L.A. area… The black family—a mother, three teenage children and a 10-year-old boy—moved into a little yellow home in Compton over Christmas vacation. When a friend came to visit, four men in a black SUV pulled up and called him a '******,' [algunos persona trastornada suprime la palabra "n i g g e r" del texto citado] saying black people were barred from the neighborhood, according to Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies. They jumped out, drew a gun on him and beat him with metal pipes. It was just the beginning of what detectives said was a campaign by a Latino street gang to force an African American family to leave."
by Sam Quinones, Richard Winton and Joe Mozingo, 25 January 2013, Los Angeles Times

"The Latino Victory Project is focusing on building Latino political power in the United States. We want to ensure that Latino values are reflected at every level of government... What we are saying that for a population of 53 million, forward. Our vision looking towards 2020 is this -- we expect the population to continue to increase at a pace of about -- for example, 77,000 Latinos turn 18 every month... In 2020 we have a Presidential election, and it is also the same year that we had the U.S. Census, followed by redistricting and the reason why we are looking at 2020 is this -- if we can elect a record number of Latinos across the country..."
... and so on, by Cristobal Alex, Latino Agenda for 2014, 3 October 2014, C-SPAN

"Viva la Raza!" -, Hillary Clinton, alrededor del año 2007

Su manejador y asesor de la Raza:
“Hillary Clinton Taps Radical Chicano for National Co-Chair”

Sra. Hillary Clinton es un defensor de racismo organizado que subyace un poco de la historia conocida de la limpieza étnica sistemática durante al menos dos décadas, posiblemente más tiempo.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:34:25
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