Mothers last name?

2016-10-04 8:14 am
If a son is expected to carry on his Father s name, why cant he carry on his Moms name? Why is it that children cant use their Moms last name as well?

回答 (5)

2016-10-04 5:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A LOT of single moms give their children their own last names.

So, yes, children CAN use their mom's last name.

The taking of the man's name is just an ancient tradition dating back to Christianity, when "men ruled" (and still do)...but there are a lot of families now where they do use mom's name (often if dad's is too complicated) or they hyphenate the two names into one.

If you are a minor child, you can ask your mom to have your name legally changed to hers. If you're an's your choice. The name change can be expensive, though...but it is possible.
2016-10-04 11:10 pm
Married people usually change thier name so that thier last name is the same as hubby but you can get it hyphonated. For example my best mate is getting married but his fiancé wants to keep her last name and his because she does business under her last name. Like doctors, why would they change thier last name if they have thier established career already?
2016-10-04 3:56 pm
They can. Using the fathers last name is simply a social convention that has been seen as the traditional way to do things for many years now.

Reality is that surname is your own choice. When you marry the wife can take the husbands surname. Or the other way round. Or they can go double barrelled. Or choose an entirely new one if they so chose.

Same with children. Entirely the parents own choice as to which surname they want thier child.
2016-10-04 3:01 pm
Who said they can't?
2016-10-04 10:01 am
You can, it all just choice. You can hyphenate the two names

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