Can my neighbor have me bring down my fence?

2016-10-04 1:23 am
She has made a complaint and is taking me to court because she says the fence has "caused her house to come down in value"; she says it is unslightly and has trouble backing out of her driveway (although I don t see how because the fence is on my property and not hers); and that she cant get to the side of her garage. to repair or paint it. She has a large bush between her garage and my fence. The bush is in her way--not my fence. I put this fence up (3 inches inside my property line) because she was always trespassing on it. along with her lawnmen. Will she be able to have it taken down with her lame reasons?

回答 (9)

2016-10-04 1:29 am
Very highly unlikely. As long as you are on your own property and have all of the proper permits there really isn't squat she can do.

And what a moron she is saying it stops her from painting the side of her garage. Basically what she is saying is she wants access to be on Your property to do so.

Again, as far as what you said here, everything is legal and she is just wasting your time and her own.
2016-10-04 2:27 am
I've never lived anywhere that would allow building a fence that close to the line . . . . . but it's all up to local codes and you should be safe if you obtained a permit.
2016-10-04 2:45 am
Is there an easement or setback on the property? If so, you might have built the fence illegally. Did you obtain a permit to build it? Is it unsightly or is it properly maintained? There is too much information left out to know for sure but, she might very well be able to get the court to order you to remove it.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-10-04 1:30 am
Did you get a permit?

In most places you can't just erect a fence.
2016-10-04 11:05 pm
If your was legally built then it is her problem.

Laws about fences are local laws, even within the same State they vary. Some places require a permit, others like many of the cities in the State I live in allow 6' tall in the back & 3' in the front without a permit, most prohibit vision obstructing fences on corners, but just about always a fence has to be completely on your side of the property line.
2016-10-04 2:31 am
The fence must meet town codes as far as height, not higher than town codes. In some states, the better part goes on the neighbor especially if you have a pool. it must be on your side of the property. Other than that she can suck wind. Counter sue her for taking time off to fight the lawsuit. Too bad they are going that route. Be the better person and stay quiet.
2016-10-04 2:26 am
She will not be successful.
2016-10-04 2:10 am
Step 1: Obtain a legal survey of the ACTUAL property line. It is QUITE possible the property line IS NOT where you believe it is.
Step 2: Contact the local code enforcement agency to determine regulations about fences. Your fence may not be legal, even if it is entirely on your property. This is especially likely if it obstructs her view of the road.
2016-10-04 1:24 am
I don't think so. That sounds ridiculous. It's your property. It would be different if it had been on her property or something. I dont think you have much to worry about.

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