Why do so many girls try and get guys and then criticize the wife after they ruin a loving family?

2016-10-04 12:26 am

Today I was very angry because a ratty woman is showing up where I'm suppose to be and she's not nice!


Why do some gals believe they are pretty, when in all reality beauty is only skin deep? I'm upset because I have faith and it has more value than her presence as unmarried and loose!

回答 (4)

2016-10-04 1:49 am
I have never tried to get a guy.
Relationship only work if you are ALREADY happy .. so I have never felt driven to find a man.
I did end up married, and happily married .. but it grew out of friendship and he was single, as was I.

And I have NEVER encouraged or accepted any guy who already had a relationship .. even if it wasn't marriage but just a girlfriend. Such men are "off-limits". No matter how attractive they seem, if they will cheat on their woman, I sure do NOT want to become THEIR woman. I'm no fool.

Feel sorry for those desperate women.
They do not like themselves, and so they will never remain happy in any relationship for very long.
Their unhappiness makes them desperate to find a man .. ANY man.

And those who focus on their external looks .. not a woman on this planet who keeps her looks. If all you value about yourself is your looks, you are setting yourself up to become deeply miserable as they years slowly steal away your figure, your face, your hair, and your youthful dewy skin.
We all need to build a self-esteem that is based on who we are INSIDE .. because that only improves with age. And that is the source of our ability to BE happy .. .as well as to make love last.
2016-10-04 2:20 am
You are too, that man is on a losing streak so far it sounds like. Probably, spreading himself a bit too thin, with all the running.
2016-10-04 3:00 am
If you're worried about it, talk to your husband. He's the one that owes you loyalty - not her.
2016-10-04 2:53 am

Seems to me though that the guy is partially to blame. He did, after all, take a vow, right?

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