How do I get out of religion class?

2016-10-03 11:33 pm
I'm 15 years old and my parents are making me go to religion classes. I told them I don't believe last year and agreed to finish that year, but not continue with the class. Now they are forcing me to go. I believe I have a right not to. How do I show them that I'm not gunna be pushed around like this, and not go? Thanks.

回答 (9)

2016-10-03 11:35 pm
1. Go to the class.
2. Spend the entire day yelling "F*ck god", while the teacher is talking
3. You will be thrown out soon enough.
2016-10-03 11:35 pm
Keep going, and start asking totally reasonable questions like "If the bible is always right, then why do the 4 gospels have 4 incompatible versions of events?" until they kick you out.
參考: Then you can tell mumzie and dadzie that it was the teacher's idea for you to quit, not yours.
2016-10-03 11:35 pm
You're a minor.

You don't have a whole lot of rights when it comes to things that you and your parents disagree on. Those are 3 years away or so.

So.... they can make you go. They cannot really make you stay. And they cannot really make you participate.

But understand that they are going to be PlSSED that you are rejecting their favorite mythology.
2016-10-03 11:45 pm
See the door?
2016-10-03 11:39 pm
Tell them that religious schooling is drudgery and annihilates your love for life. Tell them you understand they believe in such nonsense, but you have a brain. The thought of religion nauseates me. Your parents are too brainwashed that they are incorrigible.
2016-10-03 11:38 pm
When you are 18, you will have a right not to do what they tell you to do.
2016-10-03 11:44 pm
How does it hurt you to find out what you hate so much? Are you afraid that you might see your own flaws?
2016-10-03 11:35 pm
Like it or not, your parents do have authority over you.

And with as much as they do for you, you don't really have much ground to stand on.

You'll survive. Even if you don't believe in the religion, it can only help you to go and learn more about it. There's no such thing as learning too much.

And as always, it's mostly your choice whether you enjoy it or not. It's all about the attitude you choose to have. If you go thinking "my parents are forcing me to do this" it will be miserable. But if you go thinking "I'm going to get as much out of this as I can," you might even enjoy yourself.
2016-10-03 11:34 pm
You are no more 15 then I am 14 ..**** off you troll

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