Are you in the basket of deplorables?

2016-10-03 11:09 pm

回答 (6)

2016-10-03 11:13 pm
Yes. Mrs. Clinton can call me anything. I won't vote for her.
2016-10-03 11:11 pm
According to liberals everyone is deplorable if they don't support their ideology
2016-10-04 3:53 pm

And do you know why I'm not?

Because I'm not a racist, a bigot, a homophobic, a sexist, a hatemonger, a xenophobic, and anything else that will fill Trump's basket of deplorables.

And those are the only type of supporters of Trump that will fit into the basket.
2016-10-03 11:25 pm
I am proudly in the basket and think the one who said that about me is despicable, vile, contemptible, mentally unbalanced.
2016-10-03 11:17 pm
I guess I am, after all I don't plan to vote for Queen Hillary.
2016-10-03 11:11 pm
No, but I am in the basket of basement dwellers

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