What would win in a 3 pitbulls or 3 wolves?

2016-10-03 3:37 pm

in a fight*

回答 (5)

2016-10-03 6:04 pm
Wolves would wwin because they are stronger, are experienced hunters and work as a pack.
2016-10-04 12:48 am
Pitbulls were bred as fighting dogs, so they are extremely powerful. Depending on what type of wolf it is, the pitbull might be stronger. But wolves are pack hunters, and pitbulls are not. The pitbulls might even turn on each other. Wolves are also faster, while pitbulls were bred for pure strength.

Wolves win no matter what type of wolf it is.
2016-10-04 12:15 am
I had a friend who had a pet wolf which is crazy because that thing was no pet. It scared the bejeesus out of me. Its head, (Angel was a female) was by far the largest head of a dog I ever saw. It would eat a pitbull for breakfast and I don't underestimate the power of a pitbull's jaws.
2016-10-03 10:53 pm
Hands down, wolves.
2016-10-03 8:23 pm
That depends on what game they are playing.

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