想問年齡達65歲的長者, 如果早年購買了人壽和危疾保險(仍在供款中), 是否不能申請政府的公共福利金計劃的長耆生活津貼和高齡津貼? 此計劃需要審查資產嗎?

2016-10-03 9:43 am

回答 (2)

2016-10-03 8:47 pm
Not necessary.

1. The Old Age Allowance (高齡津貼) is not subject to income/assets review. But only those who reach 70 can qualify.

2. The Old Age Living Allowance (長者生活津貼) is subject to income/assets review. But insurance policies are not included to the extent that the policies do not have any cash value or when the elderly do not own the policies.
2016-10-03 9:47 am
滿70歲, 政府只有一年一次的中秋節敬老金(紅包 )


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