我朋友介紹個人給他老闆工作,做左2,3個月. 原來果個人係黑工, 我朋友老闆又無查佢身份證.我朋友無收過任何利益, 現在入境處拉左我朋友, 請問我朋友或我朋友老闆算唔算犯罪?如算, 通常會點判?

2016-10-03 8:40 am

回答 (2)

2016-10-03 8:58 pm
1. The employer - yes.

Your friend - not necessary. It depends on if your friend is knowingly introduced an illegal worker to the employer.

In other word - your friend's knowledge of the person's immigration status will be the key if your friend will be prosecuted or not.

2. A fine will be unavoidable.

Since the Court can impose imprisonment for this offense, the imposition of imprisonment depends on the case circumstances.
2016-10-03 9:17 am
他已涉嫌觸犯《入境條例》第115章 第17I條(1),僱用不可合法受僱的人乃屬犯罪,最高可被罰款 350,000 元和監禁三年。

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