Are relationships worth it? Are people worth the trouble of keeping around?

2016-10-03 7:48 am

回答 (3)

2016-10-03 8:09 am
Relationships are different for different people; some couples bicker constantly, others break up and get back together; others are free from quarrels.

Different personalities react differently to each other; people enter into relationships for different reasons.

I'm skeptical of "fairy tale" infatuations, because beneath the "chemistry" there are real people and nobody is perfect.

I had many bad relationships over the years, and those based solely on physical attraction were the worst. You need to truly like the person, who they really are, their good points and their faults.

You need to have a well-balanced relationship, where each of you don't need too much or too little. Similar interests and goals in life are also very important.
2016-10-03 8:09 am
That is ultimately up to you, but I would say they are. The right people are worth all the trouble, and sometimes you have to go through the trouble to find out if they are worth it. Hope that was helpful and not confusing :)
2016-10-03 7:50 am
If they are the right people then yes they are

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