If you could ever be a Vampire, would you do it?

2016-10-03 5:46 am

回答 (10)

2016-10-03 5:47 am
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Yes a nice vampire if there is such thing
2016-10-03 6:16 am
You realize that vampires aren't real, right?
2016-10-03 5:47 am
2016-10-03 6:22 am
I like the idea of the living forever thing. I would just get fresh blood as needed from a meat processing plant.
2016-10-03 6:36 am
Not a chance. What a horrible existence.
2016-10-03 5:50 am
omg yes
2016-10-05 7:43 pm
In a heartbeat.
2016-10-03 1:39 pm
NO Never thats pure evil RATHER BE A LOVELY ANGEL
2016-10-03 5:47 am
No - that would suck.
2016-10-03 5:47 am
no it sounds lonely

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