Depression caused by music?

2016-10-03 5:13 am
When I was eight, my father passed away. Whenever I listen to certain songs, even if they don't remind me of him, it causes depression. But, it only lasts for about an hour or even minutes. I am also aware that sadness and depression are two very different things. The reason I am asking this is because the only type of depression that lasts that shortly seems to be Bipolar Disorder. Help?

回答 (10)

2016-10-03 6:24 am
😉 Bonjour, Hello

It's because you probably are depressed that you overreact, when you listen to certain songs, not the opposite.
Otherwise real depression ( not the same than a depressed state), comes from a deep lack of desire ( large sense). This desire is like a psychological engine for us, it drives everything we want to do, even the simple things.
No desire = no physical energy !
Then sadness is one of the numerous symptoms of depression, like anxiety as well.

For get rid of depression ( if really you have it) and / or depressed state, you have to do a work on yourself with a Psychoanalyst. Since the cause(s) of depression are hidden in our unconscious and only them, deal with it and too, our subconscious.
That is contrary to the simple psychologists / therapists, who only deal with the conscious part of our psyche.
As for psychiatrists, they just give pills who only hide the symptoms, but never cure the problem(s). So as soon as you stop the pills, the problems / symptoms, come back again.
Don't think Psychoanalysts are expensive, since most of them adapt their prices with the income of people. At least the serious ones who have been psychoanalyzed themselves. It's an essential condition for be a psychoanalyst and thus, be able to help other people, without risk to put on them their own emotional problems, perception of life, things, etc..
A psychoanalyst who would say : '' I didn't need to be psychoanalyzed '', is called : a scammer ! So run !

~~ Have a nice day ~~

Cat. •That's all

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2016-10-03 5:34 am
Ah no thats not bipolar disorder at all,There's alot more to it then that...Bipolar Disorder Isn't just depression,there's mania,cycles,and of course depression..lets start with mania when a person with bipolar disorder goes through mania they may spend a lot of money,gamble maybe even get in trouble with the law. Ok now..cycles,cycles are long periods of depression that can last days,weeks,or months,although cycles only happen to people with bipolar disorder 3-4 times a year...and probably know about depression,so I strongly doubt you have bipolar disorder because depression doesn't last a few hours btw you can't self diagnose your self you have to go to a psychiatrist like I did to get diagnosed.
參考: I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 9
2016-12-23 2:16 pm
參考: Reiki Benefits
2016-10-03 7:09 am
This is common to link some songs to the dead person. I do this day will cry to the Blue Dress Polka as it was the song at my both my grandparents funerals.
2016-10-04 1:11 am
Its a symptom of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-------

It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.------------------------

Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. A good one can show you how to have perfect peace. And where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2016-10-03 3:18 pm
My late partner of 22 and I had a few favourite songs, he died in 1998 and even now certain of them make me feel sad as they bring a longing to have him here with me. However your self diagnosis is incorrect as most are. Often short episodes are a natural reaction to loss and as such not a symptom of a mental illness. I know you feel the loss of your lovely Dad and what you shared when he was alive, as I do my lovely Seamus, but I also treasure many happy memories which often bring a smile to my face.
2016-10-03 6:04 am
Whether it is depression or bipolar, only a professionally qualified doctor can help. Other unqualified people cannot help you in such critical situations.

In future try to raise a solid question instead of writing sentence like this.
參考: own
2016-10-03 5:20 am
You don't have depression nor bipolar. It's just an extreme sadness caused by memories.
2016-10-03 5:15 am
Ok good job. Thanks for letting us know.
2016-10-03 5:17 am
Hahaha this is so funny.

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