How to emigrant into USA and attain permanent residential?

2016-10-03 4:48 am
How to emigrant into USA and attain permanent residential?
I'm a man lived in Asia. I haven't professional skill, not much education and haven't not much money.
How to legally emigrant to developed countries for a better live which I wanted?

回答 (4)

2016-10-03 5:14 am
You need your US citizen parent, sibling, spouse, or child over 21 years old to file form I-130 for you.
2017-01-01 10:49 pm
who made who
2016-10-03 11:31 am
Sorry to say, that your chances to become a permanent resident in the USA are close to zero. Make the best out of your life in your home country.
2016-10-03 4:53 am
Which one ???
Green Card Through Family
Green Card Through a Job
Green Card Through Refugee or Asylee Status
Green Card Through Investment
Green Card Through Marriage

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