How to build leg strength?

2016-10-01 4:44 pm
I recently got a home gym and I'm experimenting with exercises. Im trying to build leg muscle for the winter and spring track seasons, but i need some advice. Does running build muscle? Im comfortable running long distances outside or on the treadmill, but does that build muscle? if so, is it only sprinting or jogging also. If not, what can i do. Im not gonna have a bench or leg lift machine, but I have dumbbell and medicine ball sets as well as big, elliptical, and treadmill. Whats the best thing i can do to build leg muscle? Any other advice on getting faster will help too. Thanks in advance.

回答 (6)

2016-10-01 4:48 pm
yes, strength and stamina
get outside
run stairs
go hiking
ride a bike
alternate running and biking 5-6 days a week, you will have what you need come the new season.

good luck.
2017-02-18 5:01 pm
參考: Gain Muscle Naturally
2016-10-02 4:50 pm
If you notice, sprinters have the largest legs of track and field participants with the exceptions of shot putters, hammer throwers and discuss throwers.
It is the explosive nature of sprinting that helps them develop their legs.
High intensity interval training seems to do the job.
Long distance runners are long and lean by comparison.

In regards to your home gym, if it allows, do leg extensions followed by squats (as in one exercise right after the other).
Leg extensions will isolate the front thigh muscle group and squats will force the same group to work again with the assistance of his flexors, glutes, spinea erectors , calf muscles and ham strings.
Leg curls with stiff legged or Romanian deadlifts.
Calf raises for your calf muscles.
Stretch AFTER your exercises, not before.
2016-10-01 4:53 pm
Using Weights or Weight Machines
2016-10-01 4:53 pm
Hopefully you get this b4 someone tells you to do squats!

That would be the correct answer, but not the results you'd be looking for.

Bulky leg muscle cuts into your permanence in track. It builds up the wrong type of muscle.
2016-10-01 4:50 pm
Yes running builds muscle, and muscle is strength. Try running slow for the few couple days and slowly go up. Squats help too

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