Is the iPhone 6s discontinued?

2016-10-01 4:42 pm
I think the question is self explanatory. But if it isn t which ones are?

回答 (1)

2016-10-03 4:07 am
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Apple is still selling the 6S, 6S+, SE and both 7 models as of right now. other, older models will be available as long as supplies last at reduced rates from the phone companies.
2016-10-01 4:43 pm
No iPhone 4 and down will not receive any more updates... iPhone 6s is 100% not discontinued
2016-10-01 5:54 pm
No I don't think so. Apple is still selling the 6S on their website
2016-10-01 8:02 pm
No it isn't. Still made & sold. The 6 was discontinued when the 7 was announced.
2016-10-01 4:43 pm
No I don't think so. Im pretty sure iPhone 4 and earlier models are discontinued

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