Starting a loan brokerage ?

2016-10-01 4:28 am
I have no experience in the finance industry, but I would like to loan money out to small business owners. I have read post and people say you really do need any prior experience to do this.

回答 (4)

2016-10-02 4:15 pm
might be a wonderful idea but not that simple, since this is dealing with money and people, you will have to comply with a raft of federal and state regulations, it is not as simple as opening your door and telling people you will loan them money
2016-10-01 10:58 pm
Starting a loan business is not like starting a dog-grooming business. There are laws, regulations, insurance, finances, permits, bookkeeping, auditing, and background checks that don't apply to other types of businesses.
2016-10-01 5:59 pm
Not knowing if you are in the US, just know that you will have to get approved to be a financial institution (bank). It's a long process and requires you have lots of money. So unless you have millions in the bank, don't bother.
2016-10-01 5:57 pm
Why do you rely on strangers for research? Do It Yourself.

Evidently you don't have the strong knowledge of finance & accounting required. You need experience to learn the options & processes involved. Licensing, registration with the finance regulatory board in your state, etc. Does this sound like you?
2016-10-01 4:55 am
NOT happening here legally maybe in ur country.
Start talking with local educated adults for actual educated info locally

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