Should I learn MMA, Aikido or Krav Maga?

2016-10-01 2:04 am
There are schools for these arts nearby. The Aikido dojo has very positive reviews but a lot of people seem to doubt the style's effectiveness. I did the Krav Maga near me for a while but I eventually stopped to explore other styles. I hear some people say it is the most realistic while others say it is a scam. Well it is a Jewish style so it wouldn't surprise me! Of course, MMA is a very competitive and modern style but is it a good idea to take it without having a base style? The MMA club also includes wrestling, kickboxing and Wing Tzun classes. Sorry for the lengthy description!
Here are links to their websites.
Krav Maga:
MMA: (note that although it says Muay Thai in the classes, they changed it to kickboxing)

The thing about Krav Maga being a scam because its Jewish is a an anti-Semitic joke I made. Sorry if its distasteful.

回答 (3)

2016-10-01 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wing Tzun for MMA?
Changing from Muay Thai to kickboxing? Just like that? What are their qualifications to teach either? Unless the Muay Thai teacher left and another came in qualified in kickboxing I would be suspicious.
What makes you think that a Jewish martial art is more likely to be a scam? It's not the Jews who made it a scam unless you plan on training in Israel and it's a scam there. Bet you anything the teacher is not Jewish and/or the school has no ties to Israel. I think you are a bit too judgemental and definitely unfair.
Aikido can be good or it can be bad. You need to check out the classes. I have been to Aikido classes that are definitely challenging. They will include strikes and cheat and just about everything goes which is great for self defense. I have also seen the ones with the big circles where the emphasis is on harmonizing with a partner and making it look beautiful. Of course this is unrealistic training for self defense but self defense is not their purpose.
The style names will not guarantee what you will learn and that what you learn is any good. You really need to check out the classes yourself. Watch the classes several times. Participate in free trial classes and ask many questions, like the kickboxing switch would definitely be one of my questions. Don't have to be rude about it. A carefully worded question out of curiosity is not out of place. Check credentials.
From the websites: Not impressed by the Krav Maga web site. Not sure about the Aikido. Can't find anything about the teachers and it says it's non aggressive. So could be more spiritual than self defense. Not impressed by the MMA website either. You are really going to have to physically check out these schools. Can't tell much at all from their web sites.
2016-10-01 4:22 am
MMA. If end up having talent and skill you can make a very good living as a fighter, not so much with the other styles.
2016-10-01 4:14 am
I would be no black belt and collect income. With no kids s at all with men or women or no sex with no men or women.

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