Hillary Clinton backtracking her own claims?

2016-09-30 6:26 pm
So I keep seeing commercials about Hillary and all her efforts through the years to help kids with their education and bettering their lives... but then at the same time she is pro-choice and voted to make later term abortions legal. So isn't she just completely renigging what she is originally saying? Like it's ok to murder a fetus but then the second they get out of the womb she's all for helping them live better lives. Is that BS or it it just me?

回答 (8)

2016-09-30 6:38 pm
Late term abortion isn't legal and Hillary never voted to make it legal. Unlike conservatives, normal people believe that people are more important than profits of capitalists. Unfortunately, conservatives disagree and as a result schools are closing , classrooms are more crowded, people are homeless and children are going to bed hungry.

For the past eight years, the conservatives have worked every day trying to take the healthcare away from children. This includes sick kids with disabilities that big insurance said they didn't deserve to live because their medical treatment cost too much. The conservatives agreed. Why do conservatives hate the children and babies that are already born?
2016-09-30 6:29 pm
The opposite for conservatives, who want every woman to bear every fetus conceived, but then lose interest in the chid after he/she is born.
2016-09-30 6:29 pm
It's just you.

Being pro-choice isn't pro-abortion. It means that a woman should decide for herself, and no, it's not murder.

It's ironic that you are completely turning around the argument that liberals make: conservatives love fetuses (and are therefore against abortion) but hate children (and are therefore against food stamps and similar programs).
2016-09-30 6:28 pm
Except that abortion is not murder. It's legal. So there goes your argument and here's your "F" in biology 101.

Your argument is theological, not biological. There is no reason to restrict all types of abortion except to satisfy the imposition of religious rules on a secular democracy.
2016-09-30 6:32 pm
Politicians do that.
2016-09-30 6:28 pm
When they are born they are humans and a fetus isn't. Why do I get the feeling your being facetious?
2016-09-30 7:38 pm
Live people are not the same as dead ones.
2016-09-30 6:28 pm
Sex on a reality TV show, a Playboy photo shoot, a threat to kill a judge and claims that a drug lord fathered her baby: Behind 'Miss Piggy' the beauty queen turned Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump
•Alicia Machado's life has been turned upside down after Hillary Clinton used her to show Donald Trump's sexism for 'fat-shaming' her in 1996
•News reports in Spanish indicate that she fathered a child with a notorious Mexican drug kingpin, something she denies
•The witness who testified about that relationship was killed by a hitman
•Venezuelan judge accused her of threatening to kill him for charging her boyfriend with attempted murder in a case where she drove getaway car
•Machado wouldn't deny that on CNN Tuesday night: 'I'm not a saint girl. ... that happened 20 years ago'
•She also appeared in a 2005 Spanish reality TV show, having sex with a fellow contestant on-camera
•She moaned: 'What a tasty d***' as she was seen having sex with a Spanish actor; she was engaged to Major League Baseball player Bobby Abreu
•Shuttered her Twitter account in 2010 after wishing for 'peace between the Chinas' – mistaking China for North and South Korea

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