Why do people think wearing a t-shirt of the band you are seeing is stupid?

2016-09-30 2:40 am
I know people wear t-shirts of different bands to show their different music taste and diversity, but still there is nothing wrong with wearing the same t-shirt of the band performing in a concert.

回答 (8)

2016-09-30 3:22 am
I don't think people care what shirt you wear nearly as much as you care what they think.
2017-01-02 11:27 pm
2016-10-30 10:50 am
i saw a guy wears a rollings stones tshirt but he dont know rolling stones is a band
2016-10-01 6:35 pm
I saw a guy wears a rollings stones tshirt but he dont know rolling stones is a band
2016-09-30 3:27 pm
because of the movie PCU
it was a remark by jeremy piven's character. i had never heard anyone say it before that movie came out. i'd even say that before that movie wearing the shirt of the band you were going to see was a badge of honor- like wearing the jersey of the team you are rooting for at a sporting event.
2016-09-30 1:31 pm
Your right there is not anything wrong with it.
2016-09-30 1:22 pm
who cares what they think..if U like it...wear it* If they don't like the band that's on your t-shirt tell them they don't have to look at it*...To each n their own is what I say* No one would stop ME wearing whatever I want...or whatever band I choose* ¬ Just be WHO YOU ARE* don't allow others to change you¬*
2016-09-30 11:49 am
i agree with you, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. some people don't like it because they think it's like a "fan overload" or something.
2016-09-30 6:47 am
I'm not sure,but it is a consistent belief.I guess it's like "we know you're a fan of the band by the fact you're here at the show,show us something else about you".

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:10:16
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