What would it take to NOT vote for trump?

2016-09-29 7:55 pm

回答 (9)

2016-09-29 7:55 pm
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for me it was never an issue. I wouldn't vote for him if he were running against a potato peeler.
2016-10-01 1:23 am
Some hard facts about Miss Universe, instead of these rumors about bulimia and porn that Trump was tweeting in the wee hours of the AM, right after the first debate when his advisers said he got creamed.

I find it so hard to believe it about her. It's like making an accusation against Judy Garland.

"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?"

I've a feeling Trump is "not in Kansas anymore."

2016-09-29 8:30 pm
Conscious thought.
2016-09-29 7:56 pm
I'm not voting for him and would never vote for the racist.
2016-10-01 5:45 pm
Ummmm...Hillary drops out and some incredibly open-minded, person with common sense became the Democrat Nominee. That will NEVER happen.
2016-09-30 11:20 pm
All it takes is a brain and some education.
2016-09-30 3:58 am
A little bit of truth, and, as "R" says, some conscious thought.
2016-10-01 6:21 am
2016-09-29 7:56 pm
You should ask this question about Hillary since she's murdered our own soilders and ppl are still voting for her.

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