What kind of electromagnetic radiation can be used in astronomy to image very small things in a little bit of the subsoil of planets?

2016-09-29 6:26 pm
Radio waves? Microwaves? IR? Uv? X rays?Cosmic rays...which of them?
And which of them could we use to image these things behind a 2 mm aluminium layer? Which ground based telescopes do this? (Names please)

回答 (2)

2016-09-29 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A couple of Mars orbiters have carried ground-penetrating radar (microwave) instruments, which were used to map subsurface layers. Imaging of very small objects from orbital distances, is not technically feasible; the best resolution was about 15 meters. Imaging "very small things" on other planets from Earth is physically impossible.
2016-09-29 6:32 pm

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