i am an escort, what are your thoughts or opinions about prostitution?

2016-09-28 6:44 am

回答 (10)

2016-09-28 7:21 am
It should be legalized and regulated like Nevada is currently doing.
2016-11-08 4:07 am
Not a crime or big deal if you ask me.
2016-09-29 6:58 pm
As long as both the escort is having paid sex voluntarily, and not because some pimp or human trafficker is forcing her too, I'm OK with prostitution.
2016-09-28 6:44 pm
it's normal
2016-09-28 6:27 pm
'The Oldest Profession'.
2016-09-28 11:30 am
An escort is not really a prostitute for me. When you buy the use of their body that is all you buy. You don't ever get their soul. Prostitution is the selling of the human soul and is squarely the domain of high ranking politicians and other world leaders, however clandestine.
2016-09-28 7:15 am
It should be legalized along with drugs, and religion should go the way of the dinosaurs.
2016-09-28 7:08 am
I think it should be legal and licensed, with frequent medical checks.
2016-09-28 6:48 am
I am neutral on it. I don't have a problem with it, and don't think badly of those who do it. I do sometimes worry about the dangers that might be involved though, like a client being rough or beating the prostitute.
2016-09-28 6:46 am
Uh, 1) 'prostitute' is a lousy name for a baby*. 2) I find it to be very honest work. The women (usually) are having sex for money instead of calling it 'love' but really doing it for money. It's also probably more rewarding than blowing all your money on cigarettes or booze.

*I found this Q in 'baby names'.

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