What do men look for in a woman?

2016-09-28 3:56 am

Any ideas?

回答 (16)

2016-09-28 4:00 am
All men are different.

Most men under 25 will look mainly for attractiveness, because their first goal is sex.
Most men after 25 will start looking at other traits, such as maturity. Maturity is key. She has to act like a grown lady with a commitment to a serious relationship. That involves compromise and sacrifice. Many young girls only think about themselves, but older women after 25-30 tend to be more family oriented.
2016-09-28 7:57 pm
Physical attraction. And it better be MUTUAL. A woman who settles for a "nice guy" reduces herself to a prostitute.
2016-09-29 7:40 am
The attraction first.She should be feminine and looks after herself. The
mutual factor is best.Nothing better than 2 people being attracted to each other and it means you reduce the chances of getting rejected.If there's some chemistry between us thats a bonus.Then I look for her good qualities. I want to know who she is and what she is like.I look for communication,
honesty,openess,faithful and other qualities. I look for our compatibilities,the more the better.Similar lifestyle,similar values,similar
social life,similar sex drive,etc.But I also look for the warning signs.Things like obsessions,addictions,bad temper,emotional instabilty,unreliable,
dominating/controlling,abusive,etc. I start looking from the moment I meet a woman.I get to know them sooner not later. I do all this early that way after a few dates I know whether to continue dating the woman or walk away and start searching again.
2016-09-29 12:53 am
Depends at which stage of life.
2016-09-28 5:50 pm
They look for kindness, compassion, love, friendship, honesty, and a women he has things in common with him, that he likes to do. He looks for a women that is unselfish, and understanding and someone hat will stand by him, in the good times and the bad times. Goodluck
2016-09-28 2:38 pm
I used to thought that personality never mattered. The perfect girl in my head would always look absolutely stunning. Until I got together with my first girlfriend. She was an attractive lady but she had many issues - a control freak. It suffocated me alot and since then I've been searching for a girl with high values, who has love and respect for herself. So, personally, i feel that personality is much more important that appearance. But really, a beautiful woman may cause a lot of infatuated men. I have always believe that love comes unexpectedly, even with individuals who are judged by society standards to be "inferior". Can you help me with my question too? Thank you ! https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160928052618AAPqhWA
2016-09-28 4:04 am
I look for honesty and communication
2016-09-30 3:04 am
As a lot of people are saying, all men are different. Of course, attractiveness is what originally catches a guys attention, but after that, it's personality. There have been plenty of girls that make me think "wow, she's so pretty, gotta try my best to impress her," but they just have a bad personality. Try to be funny, and nice, and make people want to spend time with you.
2016-09-29 5:09 pm
2016-09-29 4:57 pm
All men are different but i would say a women with lots of self confidence and Independence, but it really depends on the guy.
2016-09-29 4:19 pm
Loyalty, kindness, honesty
2016-09-29 9:21 am
For my personal reference. She needs a degree, understanding, honest and communication
2016-09-28 6:06 pm
2016-09-28 1:59 pm
2016-09-28 10:30 am
2016-09-28 8:46 am
Self-respect, honesty, and genuine
2016-09-28 6:03 am
Pretty much what women look for in men. Honesty, being most likely top on the list.

Many also want a spiritual person, followed by compatability.
2016-09-28 12:52 pm

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