any coping tips for people going deaf?

2016-09-27 11:14 pm
So i was born with hearing loss, but when i was 4 i has surgery (not an implant) that made me able to hear, im nearly 21 now and SOOO grateful of the years of hearing i was granted but know my hearing is failing me. it will cut out at random times(like it stops and i dont hear anything at all ...maybe some ringing) for one to five minutes. im seeing my doctor about it, but what im looking for is some advice on coming to terms with loosing my hearing. im so afraid of falling back into silence, i worry about never hearing my favoret bands again or the sound of rain on the roof. how will i know if there is an ambulance behind me on the road? or work my receptionist job if i cant talk on the phone?... how do i cope with never hearing my husbands voice again, just thinking about it makes me want to cry, i dont know how to deal with this... any one with some advice?

回答 (3)

2016-09-28 1:48 am
I have become deaf also. Wish I could hear music but I won't on this earth. Beethovan's last words: I shall her again in Heaven.------------------------Get a hearing aid. You know the saying: a hearing loss is much more obvious than a hearing aid.
2016-09-27 11:47 pm
Get a coclear implant.

I have excellent hearing now, I had super hearing.

When I went blind my hearing became preternaturally precise. Over the years, as my vision healed, my hearing decreased.

I deal with this loss with being grateful for the return of my vision.

I had super hearing for over two years. Its been two years of losing my super hearing.

It's STILL a trifle depressing at times, but at least I can read restaurant menus now.
2016-09-27 11:15 pm

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