How do I dump a girl?

2016-09-27 7:51 pm
So I've been seeing this girl for a month now and I really liked her but now I feel as if I've lost feelings for her and don't want to be with her. I just want to be friends with and nothing else but here comes the problem. She really loves me and i sit behind her in chemistry do things would be awkward so how do I dump her I need help quickly.

回答 (4)

2016-09-27 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There's no other way, you're gonna have to face the music, tell her nicely that you only wann be friends .
2016-09-27 8:17 pm
ask donald trump, he has a lot of experience getting dumped, so he will know.
2016-09-27 7:57 pm
The truth. Say you haven't feelings for her/ or lost them and you only imaging to be friends.
Think its not the end of the world for her :) think it's the best way to be honest with her, especially she will not hurt, if you say it as earlier as you can. Good luck
2016-09-27 8:15 pm
Tell her you want to be friends. One that works for me is I have some things I have to accomplish and I'm afraid I just don't have time for a relationship right now. I want to know if you'll be OK with being friends for now. Hopefully you can remain friends and if you were a playa like me you can get them benefits too.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:10:12
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