Noise/sound proof Earphones?

2016-09-26 11:43 pm
What are some of the best sound proof earphones you can reccomend me? I mean earphones too, not headphones. Also by soundproof i mean no one can hear what i'm listening to even at full blast. I don't care much whether or not the earphones block outside noise, i just want it so no one can listen to what i'm listening to if they are close to me or in a quiet area with me. Thanks

回答 (5)

2016-09-27 5:37 am
There are none that will keep all the sound in.

Some leakage is unavoidable,
especially at high volumes,
which will also ruin your hearing.
2017-02-22 5:53 pm
Sound Proof Earphones
2016-09-29 6:06 am
sound proof Earphones list
2016-09-27 3:35 pm
NO such thing! Besides, you WILL eventually go deaf if you continue listening to music at full blast!
2016-09-26 11:51 pm
Maxell is a pretty good brand

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