what are Registered Nurses that work in the ICU called?

2016-09-26 5:53 pm
ICU RN? or is it something else?

回答 (3)

2016-09-26 6:49 pm
There is no specific names; they are all RNs and then they could say ICU RN or RN in the ICU--there just is no standard specific designation, some call them critical care RN, that is probably the most common.
2016-09-26 8:56 pm
They are called ICU nurses, but they often have certification as critical care nurses.
2016-09-26 7:47 pm
You would be
Chris Smith, RN

Chris Smith, RN-BSN (or some form of that)

On a resume, the RN would already be at the top with your name, so the icu part would be under job experience.

Anytown Regional Hospital
Rotating Charge Nurse 2012-2014
Efficiently ran a 30 bed unit...

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