Will my photos and other files be gone if I update my iphone to iOs 10?

2016-09-26 4:12 pm

回答 (7)

2016-09-26 4:15 pm
No. You'd make a backup anyway, right? It's free.
2016-09-26 5:49 pm
They shouldn't be erased, but it's always a good idea to make backups regardless of whether or not you are upgrading the OS.
2016-09-26 4:46 pm
No, but it is recommended that you backup your phone with iTunes first just in case.
2016-09-26 4:12 pm
Nope, I upgraded and no issue (just better organized).
2017-03-15 2:19 pm
nope, i upgraded and no issue (just better organized).........
2016-11-06 6:24 pm
nope, i upgraded and no issue (just better organized)...
2016-09-26 6:42 pm

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