be used to 與 used to 例句問題?

2016-09-26 1:12 am
My father was used to somking.
My father used to smoke.

回答 (3)

2016-09-26 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

"I used to [do X]" indicates an activity that you have previously performed regularly, but no longer do.

"I was used to [doing X]" indicates that you were accustomed to engaging in a particular activity.

I used to do X 表示 你過去常常做某事 但現在不再做了
I was used to doing X 表示 過去你讓某事成為了習慣

Some examples:

I used to travel alone, but now I always take my whole family with me.

I was used to traveling alone, so having my whole family along has been a big adjustment for me to make.
2016-09-26 4:05 am
My father was used to smoking. =我父親"以前"對抽煙這件事是不介意的. (但未明說我父親他自己是否抽煙,也許他自己不抽,但以前是不介意別人在他面前抽. 動名詞smoking是指一個行為,看不出是否my father也會有這個行為)
was + used to + doing: 以前對某種行為是不在意的 (was是主要動詞)

My father used to smoke.
=我父親以前抽煙. (但他的這個習慣已經改掉了)
used to + do (do 是bare infinitive) : 表示以前都做
2016-09-26 2:55 am
My father was used to smoking==我父親從前習慣吸煙
My father used to smoke==我父親過去習慣吸煙. Yip

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