Do the police have the right to condemn a house or does it have to be a code enforcer also can you be evicted without receiving any notice?

2016-09-25 9:19 pm

回答 (4)

2016-09-26 2:45 am
Police do not condemn property. If a property is condemned, you must leave immediately.
2016-09-25 10:37 pm
If a house i declared to be unfit for occupancy, that goes into effect immediately. You might or might not be allowed to go in to get personal belongings.
2016-09-25 9:23 pm
Depends on local laws. Police can enforce what the code enforcer says. So they can work together.

You have to be given notice for an eviction, unless it's an emergency condemnation. If you are not a legal tenant, then no notice is required because no eviction is required. If you deliberately dodge service of notice, there are alternate ways to notify you that you may or may not see.
參考: Retired lawyer
2016-09-26 5:50 am
Police dont condemn property, the city does that. If the house is unliveable you should move anyway. If something happened to make it unliveable after y ou moved in and the City condemned it, you have to leave, thats not an eviction.

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