What does it mean when a guy ignores your apology?

2016-09-25 6:05 pm
*mostly for guys* It's a long complicated story but I accidentally disrespected the guy I like by crossing his boundaries when I tried to get him to change his mind about something he didn't want, he got mad & lashed out and told me not to text him anymore & then I got mad cause I felt like he went from being nice to being a complete jerk so I felt the sudden urge to text back & call him stubborn & that it was my apologies for wanting to try & know him better & then after awhile I started feeling really bad & decided to apologize because it was kind of selfish and wrong of me & I told him that I acted out on emotion & hoped things  went well for him, at first i thought he blocked me but this morning I was really curious if he did & called him using *67 and it rang twice & I hung up after that cause i got scared he might randomly answer, anyway wouldn't ring once & go straight to voicemail if he blocked me? Well anyway, if he did see it & read it why do you think he ignored it?i thought he would at least appreciate and understood... Don't guys like it when girls admit their wrong? It's been a couple of weeks now & im wondering how he feels about the whole situation like is he still pretty mad? Is he holding a grudge, does he not care to be on good terms.. its been driving me crazy not knowing he how feels? Does he feel as shitty as I do about it? Please share your opinions

回答 (3)

2016-09-25 8:05 pm
How do you accidentally cross a boundary? You are not a puppet, but act by choice.
He has probably decided to move on. No harm in apologising again, but be prepared
2016-09-25 6:36 pm
He's leaving it alone for now. That'd be a good thing for you to do as well. Continuing to try to demand his attention isn't working. People are not obligated to dance to your whims.
2016-09-25 6:34 pm
Never try apologize again.
If you keep silent, then soon he will feel mussing you and want contact to you.

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