Why is it that no matter how good you are you just can't get accepted?

2016-09-25 4:21 am

回答 (13)

2017-02-01 1:09 pm
Because you leave terrible answers on other people's questions
2016-09-25 10:31 pm
As Groucho Marx said "I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member". When my answers get reported in Yahoo, when my questions get their category bumped around, when my trolls report everyone that answers my questions I jump for joy, because the minute I am accepted here in YAP I am doomed.

Acceptance is an inside job. Outside approval means you have stopped growing.
2016-09-25 6:45 am
It isn't.
2016-09-28 1:23 pm
Well, first of all, that's not true. You do get accepted, or not, based on your behavior, including your emotional behavior. And you'd have to include accepted by who. Some people don't want to be around decent people, others don't want to be around indecent people.
2016-09-26 5:27 pm
That would mean you are looking for acceptance in the wrong place.
2016-09-26 12:22 am
As someone here said, accepted by whom? The number of positions for movie star is dwarfed by the number of capable actors. Fortunately, there are actors who are happy to hear the applause in community theater, so that they can live without stardom. Musicians can work semipro in modest venues like coffee shops and bars. It's incredibly hard to get books published, but the Internet offers opportunities for amateur writers, like the places where you can post your e-book for free. Film-makers of course have YouTube,

Some believe that if talented people just keep at it and never give up, they eventually become popular. I don't know about that, but I'm sure people can at least become less obscure.
2016-09-25 5:37 pm
That is what Jesus said too.
2016-09-25 10:53 am
Speak for yourself. I have no trouble being accepted. In future, when asking about yourself, the operative word is "I", not "you", as in "I just can't be accepted". Good luck, I hope you can turn that around. Maybe you try too hard and care too much about it. Back off and let it happen, you can't force it.
2016-09-25 10:29 am
By whom?

Maybe the problem is not your bate but the pond you are fishing in.
2016-09-25 9:06 am
It is "Fate" which blocks the chances to get accepted..
參考: own
2016-09-25 4:33 am
Because you forgot to turn on the dishwasher!
2016-09-25 5:27 am
Your attitude is not wanted. You are socially excluded or you do not fit in socially. You focused on the wrong things. You are not in demand. You are actually bad. You gave the wrong impression.
2016-09-25 6:08 am
Are you ugly? Nothing can make up for that.

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