How can i remove the alternator off my 2008 saturn outlook? I need the instructions for the exact car and if you can give me videos or pics.?

2016-09-25 3:18 am

回答 (5)

2016-09-26 2:34 am
Check whether your city library or nearby junior college library has an online subscription to Alldata.

Look up your exact car. There will be step by step instructions.

I use Alldata regularly.


You can get your original factory service guide from:
參考: Engine overhaul mechanic and electrical system expert, since 1972
2016-09-25 3:37 am
The only way you'll find exact step by step is in a high quality shop manual. or are pro quality. But try your local library. Some of them offer alldata for free.
2016-09-25 3:22 am
The exact instruction and pictures are contained in the vehicles shop manual. Go online and see if you can buy the shop manual or a repair manual for that volume of car. Some of the manuals can be purchased online, so you can download them. Also, check youtube. Often they will have videos of alternator repairs, sometime for the specific model.
2016-09-25 3:21 am small fee to join but will get you info needed. have you tried youtube
2016-09-25 3:19 am

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