Parents won't let me sell my ferret?

2016-09-24 1:03 pm
So I asked this question before but I didn't leave enough information so I'm asking again. So I wanted a ferret and after about three months my parents let me get one but I had to pay with my own money and I also had to buy the cage and the accessories (which is a lot of money for a 13 year old!!) but my parents agreed to buy him food. I thought that I would be allowed to play with him through the house but he isn't allowed inside at all, no matter how much I ask my parents they only let him in my room which is very small so there isn't much to do with him. I got one because I was told that I could get another one if the first one went well but my parents changed their mind and I am only allowed one. I want to get another one for him as he is in his cage all day when I'm at school. The only thing I do with him is walking him around the house as he isn't allowed inside and he does enjoy that a lot but it does get a bit tiring and repetitive only being able to walk him around my backyard and whenever it's raining he doesn't get to go out of his cage since he can only walk. It's not fair on him to be alone all day and we can't exactly bond as he only walks around but every time I say I want to sell him I get told that I wanted him so bad so I can't get rid of him and that I'm selfish. Please tell me what can I do so I can sell him?

回答 (7)

2016-09-24 4:03 pm
Ferrets are indoor animals like guinea pigs and hamsters.

Negotiate with your parents about 'play time' in larger rooms, with you there at all times supervising.
2016-09-24 2:03 pm
Stop being lazy and take care of it. All you do is make up lame excuses to avoid taking care of it and its not yours. You are a child so you can't own it and can't sell it. It belongs to your parents and since it belongs to them you have NO right to sell it

You are being slefish. You whined and whine and whined for one and now you are bored of it and want it gone. Tough
2016-09-26 12:37 am
Ferrets are small, they don't need a huge house to play in. Get some toys and he'll be perfectly fine without having to leave your room.
2016-09-24 11:50 pm
you cant. You wanted a pet, you are commited to this pet. So find a way to bond with him within the confines that your parents placed.
Since he is allowed in your room, play with him there. He doesnt need an entire house to play in.
2016-09-24 2:46 pm
Then play with him in your room. A ferret is not a big dog - he would be perfectly happy out loose in your bedroom. You wanted him - now do the right thing for him and take care of him the best you can. Stop making excuses. Make the best of the situation, and learn the lesson that pets come with responsibilities. Your parents are being good parents by trying to teach you that.
2016-09-26 10:03 am
Rehone him tobzgumane asiciety. Aling witj all other things. Call them let them know what happened. Ig your dog you can sign him over
2016-09-24 1:08 pm
Perhaps you should print out some information about what Ferrets need regarding air, and exercise etc.etc.etc. and maybe that will knock some sense into their head.

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