What state should I apply for a driver s license in?

2016-09-23 10:18 pm
I m from New York City but I currently attend school in Georgia. I plan on staying in Georgia when I m done with school. Even though I m Georgia do I have to get a NY license since I m technically still a resident there?

It will be my first license

回答 (5)

2016-09-23 10:36 pm
Since you do actually LIVE in Georgia then you get it from....GEORGIA! It's not that complicated. You get it in the state that your actually RESIDE in.
2016-09-23 10:19 pm
No, you are a current resident of GA. You MUST get a GA license with-in 30 days.
2016-09-24 2:39 am
NY, you are not a GA resident right now.
2016-09-23 10:50 pm
That's probably OK, provided the NY address is valid for you.
2016-09-23 11:57 pm
I currently attend school in Georgia. I plan on staying in Georgia when I m done with school.
Based on these statements, you are ALREADY a resident of Georgia. While you could probably get away with getting a NY license while you are in school, but then you would just have to get a GA license after graduation. There is no point in not doing so now.

Note: For ALL purposes except in state tuition, you are a resident of GA the INSTANT you cross the state line with the intent to remain.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:00:13
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