Should I kill this injured bug?

2016-09-23 8:40 pm
I found a bug in my sink and I was gonna put it out until I realised its not moving. I gently scooped it into s cup and it twitched a bit. I poked it VERY GENTLY with my pen and it again moved away slightly and tried to get back up on its legs but fell over. It's a flying insect so I don't know whether it's wings are damaged or its legs or both. I could easily squish it to make it quick for it or I could leave it and hope it heals? I'm worried that it'll die of starvation before it heals. I know it's just a little bug but I feel so guilty about killing anything.

回答 (13)

2016-09-23 11:20 pm
Usually when just twitching, it's residual, and can last for a LONG time.

To be safe, whenever I find bugs like that, in or outside(if in the way), I move them to a safe location. I hate making that choice since you never know, could be playing dead or just badly stunned, and bugs are weird, they can sometimes recover from what you think is death.

It's up to you. I personally can't stand just killing things for no good reason, or on an assumption like that. Bug or not.
2016-09-23 8:51 pm
Put it out of its misery, it is suffering
2016-09-23 8:43 pm
A lot of bugs don't live very long anyway. So I would kill it. Or put it outside.
2016-09-24 7:18 pm
Are you fuking's a bug..who gives a ****...get a life
2016-09-28 10:50 pm
If killing bugs bothers your conscience, take it outside and let it live out its final minutes there. Then get a cat so you don't have to make the decision again.
2016-09-27 1:00 am
< ---------Would you kill mine if you saw it?

Cause I hope not and just put it outside.
2016-09-25 4:37 am
Most bugs don't live long enough to recuperate with care. The best thing is to either put it out of its misery or put it outside where it will surely die, but at least you can feel you're giving it a chance. . Personally, I'd just put it out of its misery, b/c letting it die is just prolonging its pain. There is no way for you to set a bug's broken wing or put a cast on its tiny leg. I am sorry. Just remember, a bug doesn't have free will, so it had no choice but to live a good life.
2016-09-25 12:15 am
Its a bug. It aint gonna kill you lol. Just turn it upside down carefully. If it moves, take it outside. If after a long time its still there, kill it so it doesnt suffer anymore
2016-09-24 3:07 am
Bugs don't fly. Only dragonflys butterflys and cicadas. Moths are part of the butterfly species and are night timers. I would wait to see if this friendly imposter is faking and just wanting a free handout
2016-09-24 12:05 am
Call PETA . They will send someone right out .
2016-09-24 9:09 am
You are worried about killing this bug when you murder hundreds of thousands of bacteria on your skin every time you wash your hands? Hypocrite.

---------------Are you fuking's a bug..who gives a ****...get a life ( 2nd.)
2016-09-23 8:47 pm
Yes kill it
2016-09-23 8:51 pm
Good bugs are dead bugs do your part and crush its living or flush it down! :P

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